How CBD can increase the health benefits of your kitchen spices

Happy Friday from the farm : )
We hope you all had a fantastic week!

We all probably have saffron, turmeric, peppercorn, and nutmeg in our households, right? Aromatic herbs and spices are commonly used for cooking, healing, and dyeing fabrics. Historically these commodities were traded along “spice routes” throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia and were so valuable that they were often worth their literal weight in gold.

But did you know that these spices are absorbed by your endocannabinoid system? CBD works to help limit the breakdown, deactivation, and uptake of your body’s natural endocannabinoids. CBD has also been shown to help increase your brain’s endocannabinoid levels.

In short, adding CBD to your daily routine can increase the
effectiveness of these spices and their amazing health benefits.

Saffron, the nerve tonic, improves learning and memory by inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine. Saffron also enhances the functioning of the GABA receptor, which explains in part its efficacy as relaxant and nerve tonic. Clinical trials evaluated the anti-depressant properties of saffron and concluded that it was more effective than a placebo and equivalent to Prozac.

Turmeric, the holy powder, protects against alcohol-induced brain damage, improves insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular function, inhibits platelet aggregation, and facilitates the clearing of beta-amyloid plaque associated with Alzheimer’s dementia.

Peppercorn, black gold, can reduce nicotine cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms. Because it is an anti-spasmodic and anti-convulsant, it can also lower blood pressure and relieve digestive distress. When co-administered, piperine (the essential oil of black pepper) and curcumin interact synergistically to confer a stronger antidepressant effect than either compound delivers on its own.

Nutmeg, like CBD, is a cannabinoid booster. While it does not directly activate the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the brain or the CB2 cannabinoid receptor in immune cells, it triggers a cascade on a cellular level that protects neurons against stress and promotes the creation of new stem cells.


Links to studies referenced above: